Sunday, November 16, 2008

Poor Sam

Me and Lindsay were at a store and Sam started screaming (the scream that says,"I'm hurt"). So I rush over and a little girl was lifting herself off of poor Sam who was pinned down, then I realize that his nose has been bitten and I mean BITTEN! His nose was white and purple and he was bleeding in the crease! Well you can look at the pictures but these look really good compared to how it looked at first. I felt so bad for Sam but I have to admit I felt worse for the mother of this little girl, she felt so bad. Turns out that this mother owns the store so her daughter is always there so when Sam tried to play with a toy she got really mad and took a bite out of him. It's funny now but it was really really awkward at the time. Me and Lindsay were pretend shopping because we didn't know what to do after the incident. I was flipping through close for Sam who wears 12 month and I looked up to realize I was in the 0-3 month clothing. haha AWKWARD! I won't be going back to that store. Kids will be kids. Poor Sam.


Jared and Emilie said...

oh my goodness! that is so crazy!! poor sam :(

Terra said...

POOR SAM! Where were the adults who were responsible for him?! ;)